Roller Coaster Ride

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Life is a roller coaster ride, we've heard this phrase a thousand times. It's very common yet accurate. "Life is about taking risk, letting go and just having fun." I can still remember my first roller coaster ride. It was nerve wracking. My heart pounded so hard, I was so scared. I have no one to sit beside me because all my friends were occupied. That made it even more scary. So the ride started, slowly reversed upward, making me more nervous, then I heard a clank, that's when the ride starts going down really fast I thought my heart was going to drop. I closed my eyes for a while because I don't want to see the world upside down from the loop, but when I opened my eyes, I was upside down. It was crazy.

Can you still remember the feeling when you first recited at school? The first time you stood on stage? The first time you had a crush on someone? Your first relationship? Heart break?

How about when you first entered college? Fresh start, fresh faces, fresh place. The first time you rode an airplane, the first time you traveled. 

Your first job interview? Getting your first payslip? Moving away from your family?

Every first time is exciting and scary at the same time. Just like a roller coaster ride. It requires courage and a positive attitude. You need to live your life  like how you ride a roller coaster. It's okay to be afraid, for a while. Be excited for what's ahead. Be prepared. The most important lesson? Choose who you want to spend the ride with. After all, the ride doesn't really matter, it's who you spend it with. I may not be with someone on my first ride but that's okay. At least I proved to myself that I can do anything, even without someone beside me. We all need to be alone for some time. 

The first part will always be the most extreme or the most scariest. As the ride goes on, every turn, every bump, every loop will be the most fun part. So hold on tight, enjoy the ride of your life. You'll never know what's next, but it will be the best experience! Sometimes you just want to close your eyes until it ends because you're too afraid, not knowing that that would have been the best part of your life.

Step out of your comfort zone, allow yourself to be free, scream at the top of your lungs. 

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  1. I love a roller coaster ride!! I love the lesson you take out of it. I also really love the excitement of a roller coaster. And I like that in my life as well. I love to be excited and discover new things. I agree, the first part might be scary, but behind that there's so much fun!

    1. Thanks, I was looking at my theme park photos and I had this idea so I wrote it. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for dropping by :)

