Things to keep in mind before adopting your first pet

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Disclaimer: Before narrowing down the tips I have for you, please note that I am not a veterinarian or an expert, these tips are purely based on my personal experiences as a first-time furmom.


Hi, everyone! For today's topic, I'm going to talk about something different than my usual posts.

I recently got my first puppy for almost two months now. Her name is Sunny, she's 75% Shih Tzu and 25% dachshund. I was hesitant at first but I fell in love with her the moment I put her in my arms when she was just a teeny-tiny pup.

I had to wait for almost two months before taking her home, but I couldn't wait until I take her home so I always ask my boyfriend to take me to our friend's house just to see her.

This is her as a baby

Who wouldn't fall in love with her? She is so adorable and she looks like a teddy bear and a bunny in one. LOL.

When time has come to take Sunny home, her first night with us, got me shookt! She didn't let me sleep. She was always crying, asking to be out of her box. I was very stressed and I didn't know what to do. At that point, I was already giving up and I was thinking that I may not be able to take care of this puppy on my own. I was ready to give her back to her original owner which is a very irresponsible move.

As I didn't know what to do, I took her to my boyfriend's house and she stayed there for a week. He taught me how to properly take care of her. I came by at their house almost every day to check up on her. Even though I was stressed on the first night, I missed her and I knew that I had to take responsibility for her because she needs me.

So I decided to take her back to our home and I kept up with the phase because of how my boyfriend showed me how to be patient, and responsible.

The first week Sunny is in our home, she was always crying and knocking on our room because she doesn't want to be left out so I customized a baby diaper for her so she can stay and sleep in our room. But she was also potty trained so she knows where to poop.

With that being said, here are a few tips or the things that you should expect when you want to adopt a pet.

1. They are like babies too

When you adopt a pet, it's like adopting a baby too. They need special attention and you need to potty train them which takes a lot of time and stress but once they learn, it's definitely worth it. We should take care of them as our own because if we showed them how we truly love and care for them, they will surely bring back the love they received from you.

2. You need extreme patience 

Puppies like to play a lot and eat anything they could reach. It's hard to keep an eye on them every second so, at some point, they may do something we're not going to be happy about. Whenever I scold Sunny, I noticed that she understands, she looks at me with her puppy eyes and would kiss me after realizing what she's done. Just be patient with your puppy.

3. It will cost you a lot

For someone like me who always wants Sunny to be healthy and well taken care of, going to the vet, having her vaccine shots, checkups and all, it definitely cost me and my boyfriend a lot. I also had to buy her food, vitamins, and toys. So you see, I really treated her as my baby.

4. Your daily life will be much better

Having a dog around requires hard work and patience, but as soon as your dog gives back the love to you. Every day will be fulfilling, and fun. They never cease to surprise you, even the smallest things you achieve by training them are very fulfilling. It also makes you a proud pet owner whenever your dog does something very impressive in front of other people.

Those are the only things I learned on my own so far. What I love about taking care of a puppy is even though they are very stressful to take care of, they also relieve your stress. Sometimes I talk to Sunny about my problems and just hugging and petting her makes it all feel better. I think I'm sounding like a crazy woman but this all makes sense, especially to pet owners like me. 

You should keep in mind that it's not all cutie patooties and active dogs, it will require a lot of your time, patience, and money to properly take care of a dog. 

Those are the things I've learned so far but I will keep updating this story for Sunny's journey as she grows old.

It's been two months since I adopted her and this is what she looks like now.

That's it for today's topic! I hope you guys enjoyed it. See you next time. :)

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  1. i don't know how people put these animals inside their rooms even inside their comforter too and blanket too and after that they said they are neat and clean ehhhh

