How I got into blogging

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hi, everyone! So I've been thinking a lot lately about what new blog post to share and started thinking, why not I share how I got into blogging.

When I was in college since I was still in school and have no income, I couldn't buy the make-up products I wanted to try, so I was using drugstore makeups at the time. When I had my first paycheck, I started buying the Korean products that I wanted to try.

I got the hang of it for some time, I really got into Korean cosmetics, I love how cute the packaging is, how authentic it is, and how healthy it is for your skin. But before buying any products, I would usually read other blogs first just to see if my money will be worth it. 

So from then on, I started relying on blogs. When I realized I have the tools I need, I've got the ideas, I published this blog, Dawn's Beauty Journal, I got help from a friend, I started discussing my thoughts, how to begin, what topics should I write and she even checked my first blog post. I was encouraged by her words and by the love and support my friends gave so I continued doing it since it is very very exciting. You might want to check her out, she's really good, her blog is

But blogging is not easy, I eventually ran out of ideas, the eagerness to monetize my blog kind of took the fun away because I pressured about what others would think, instead of just being able to inspire other readers. 

I idled for a while but eventually found my way back. From now on, my purpose to blog is to reach out and inspire readers through my personal beauty journal. I promised myself not to trap this blog inside the box, but to explore my skills, explore my thoughts and also expand my knowledge and passion for makeup.

My journey as a blogger is just starting and I am so thankful that I have gurus helping me, mentoring me, and encouraging me to push harder.

So if you are thinking of writing a blog, or you're blog went down for a while, never be discouraged, you'll never know how writing could change your life.

That's it for now. If you have any questions or suggestions, or if this blog helped you in any way, please let me know. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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  1. True! Don't be blinded by the potential to earn, first and foremost your mission is to share your knowledge and experience, whether or not you get paid for it. It also helps that you have a fellow blogger friend to support you and check on you. :D Glad you found your way back!

    I've been blogging since highschool dear diary style so I was mostly writing for myself, it's just now that I came to consider that I should be adding some value to my posts haha Ma-effort but it's worth it in the long run! Keep blogging! :D

    1. Thanks! I will, so far I really enjoy sharing my thoughts and stories. :)

  2. True, I also start blogging to share inspirational things in life anything that I wanted to share, because I'm also into makeup, I started making reviews and I really try the product first. I was also motivated by my bestfriend to continue, since I love playing with makeup, I also started my youtube channel and now I'm incorporating my 2 passion writing and editing videos, I'm still a beginner though but I always push myself to improve every single post.

    1. Goodluck on our future blogging days! I'll soon start my Youtube channel as well when I have the time. Thanks for dropping by :)

  3. I've started blogging to share my interests and passions, and still now it's something I do mostly for fun, so whichever money I can make is welcome but that's not my priority at the moment

    1. Good luck and keeping inspiring yourself and others :)

  4. Running out of ideas is not new. Bloggers tend to write a bunch at the beginning. And then it tapers off for several reasons, among them, the novelty is gone and as you mentioned, running out of ideas. Blogging needs to have a workflow so that consistency can become a habit:

    I am glad you decided to get into blogging. Keep coming up with more posts and share your experiences.

  5. Please keep writing friend, I'm a fan! :)

  6. Always go back to the reason why you started in the first place. Some always think of the money or perks when they start blogging and eventually forget about touching the lives of others out there. It's just disappointing sometimes. Happy blogging!

  7. I will remember this little piece of advice from you. I guess, for some of us, who plans to really monetize on our blogs, we have to watch out the times of burn out or pressured. Right now, I'm still enjoying on how to grow my readership. That involves studying what other types of blog posts will be very helpful and also reading more on blogging tools to share our contents.

